Monday, December 4, 2023

Why Do Diesel Engines Last Longer Than Gasoline?

Diesel engines are an outstanding display of engineering prowess. They are considered among the most dependable and long-lasting mechanical inventions. As a result, they are naturally used by some of the world’s biggest and most innovative motorized vehicles.

Do Diesel Engine Last Longer? What makes a diesel engine superior to a gasoline engine? And how does a diesel engine maintain such a long service life?

How long do diesel engines last?

It is common for your car’s fuel engine to last about 200,000 miles until it requires a major overhaul or you must purchase a new vehicle. However, diesel engines will operate continuously for an incredible 1,000,000-1,500,000 miles before requiring significant maintenance. In reality, a well-maintained diesel engine will last 30 years or more.

According to Capital Reman Exchange, the endurance, efficiency, and strength of a diesel engine are attributed to three major factors:

  1. A diesel engine’s overall configuration
  2. The kind of fuel used for a diesel engine
  3. The application in which diesel engines are commonly used

Do diesel cars last longer?

A diesel engine is gear-driven in nature. Gears, unlike other pieces that can be bent or destroyed, are quickly repaired and never lose timing. Gear-driven water and oil pumps are still used in most diesel vehicles. This reduces the possibility of pieces and components failing.

Diesel-powered vehicles are typically made with heavy-duty materials that can handle the vehicle’s power, resulting in less wear and tear on any aspect of the engine.

Diesel engines are also excellent at self-cooling, putting them at a slightly lower risk of overheating. Multiple sensors and thermostats are used, which ensures that if one fails, the engine will not overheat. A steady supply of coolant through the engine is often ensured by several piston-cooling nozzles.

A diesel engine uses compression ignition to use the fuel to drive itself. This happens when diesel fuel and air are compressed sufficiently to generate heat, resulting in spontaneous combustion. This spontaneous combustion, according to Digital Trends, is much more advantageous for a long-lasting engine.

The difference between the two engines

So, what distinguishes diesel engines from gasoline engines, and what makes them last longer? For instance, diesel and gasoline engines are significantly different in nature.


Diesel engines have much bigger crankshafts, camshafts, and cylinders, as well as bearing much larger sizes. This ensures there is more room inside the engine for more oil to flow freely. A diesel engine’s greater oil and coolant capability ensure improved lubrication and less wear. In reality, a typical gasoline engine uses only one gallon of oil, while a big diesel engine will use up to 15 gallons.


Since a gasoline engine is not gear-driven, it relies on timing belts, chains, pumps, and other parts that are more easily damaged and fail more often. Diesel engines, in addition to being better at self-regulating their oil and gasoline levels, usually have better fuel economy and are thought to be better for the atmosphere by others. According to OSV Ltd, they work better due to a more efficient fuel injection system, improved torque, and the diesel fuel itself.


Source: saVRee

Since diesel fuel has the consistency of light oil, it lubricates when it passes through every cylinder. Gasoline, on the other hand, is mostly used as a solvent. This means that gasoline is more acidic than diesel fuel and can burn away at surfaces, causing corrosion and destruction, according to Indiana Diesel. Diesel fuel is much less explosive than gasoline, which can be ignited with little more than a spark.

Lower RPMs

Engines powered by gasoline produce between 2,500 and 3,500 RPMs (revolutions per minute), while diesel engines produce between 1,300 and 1,600 RPMs. While this higher number seems to be a positive thing, gasoline engines need twice as much effort as diesel engines to achieve the same efficiency. This is why gasoline-powered vehicles wear out faster and have better mileage.

Why aren’t there more diesel engines?

Why aren’t there more diesel engines on the road if they last longer and perform better? Because of the superior construction of the diesel engine, it is often more costly to manufacture, purchase, and repair as opposed to gasoline engines.

According to How Stuff Works, diesel engines are often not recommended in conditions or places where sub-zero temperatures are frequent or normal. Diesel engine fuel is also less easily affordable than gasoline, causing a high-performance diesel engine more difficult to find.

Do you think that owning a diesel powered vehicle is better in the long run than gasoline powered one? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below…

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