Wednesday, April 17, 2024

6 Tricks To Detox Your Mind Every Morning

 6 tricks to detox your mind every morning:

1. Acceptance is peace.

No amount of anxiety will change your future, and no amount of regret will change your past.

Peace is found in acceptance:

Accept imperfection.

Accept uncertainty.

Accept the uncontrollable.

You don't have to understand, tolerate or even forget something, but if you want peace, you must accept it.

2. Ask yourself.

Are there any dead relationships I am holding on to in my life?

What aspects of my life can improve by removing things that aren't working anymore?

3. Start unfollowing.

Unfollow people who do not make you feel empowered, informed or inspired.

4. Practice meditation.

During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate rampant thoughts crowding your mind and causing stress.

This process may result in enhanced emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual well-being.

5. Start writing.

Sometimes you just need to get out what's on your mind.

Try setting a timer for 30 minutes and doing a brain dump of all the things you want to complain about or challenges you are struggling with to let it all go and detox your mind from those nagging worries.

6. Remember the big picture.

Write down a list of your long-term goals. Call it your vision for your life. Reference it often.

Keep it in your mind as you're cycling through your day-to-day tasks.

It's easy to get caught up in the minutiae of living when you forget your why.


About some Famous Logos

0. The logo of Apple is in Fibonnaci series and so are its prices.

  1. There is “mom” written on Wendy’s collar.

2. The original Pepsi-Cola logo was a copy of Coco-cola logo with different letters

3. The BBC logo costs $1.8 million.

4. 31 represents 31 different flavours in the Baskin Robbins logo

5. Toyota. Simply clever.

6. Between the legs of the giraffe is the New York skyline

7. There’s surely a lot of money in that logo.

8. The Ubuntu logo is 3 individuals holding arms

Thanks for scrolling till the end. Have a great Day :)

Reality of Corporate jobs now a days.

 Today while I was scrolling down my feed on Facebook I came through a post and I thought it is worth sharing because it is a sad reality of Corporate jobs nowadays.

This happens when you blindly follow the others without knowing the reason.