Monday, December 25, 2023

Secrets Behind Ancient Maya's Super Strong Architecture

Temple I, also known as the Temple of the Great Jaguar, at Tikal in Guatemala. The tallest temples in the Maya City of Tikal were built between between 600 and 900 C.E. and are still standing today.

The tallest temples in the Maya City of Tikal, including the Temple of the Great Jaguar, were built between between 600 and 900 C.E. and are still standing today. (Credit: Leonid Andronov/Shutterstock)

One unsuspecting February morning in 1976, a 7.5 scale earthquake shook the Central American country of Guatemala. Originating from the Motagua Fault, the meeting point of the North American and Caribbean tectonic plates, the earthquake killed around 23,000 people and injured many more. The damage to buildings was also devastating, with tens of thousands of brightly painted adobe houses reduced to rubble in a matter of seconds.

Ironically, one of the few places in Guatemala that wasn’t leveled by the earthquake was the ancient Maya city of Tikal. Although the shock had uprooted plenty of trees, the city’s limestone buildings — including its iconic pyramids — didn’t show as much as a scratch. To locals, this was as relieving as it was puzzling.

How did the Maya, who lived hundreds of years ago and had limited access to technology, create architecture that was as strong and durable as anything modern engineering could produce? The answer, research has started to show, has to do with three ancient tricks, relating to the location, structure, and substance of their builds.

Ancient Temple at Tikal in Guatemala. The sophisticated structures and buildings of Tikal are buried under thick blankets of dirt and vegetation
Until they're uncovered, the sophisticated structures and buildings of Tikal are buried under thick blankets of dirt and vegetation. (Credit: Leonid Andronov/Shutterstock)

What Was Unique About Mayan Architecture?

Hidden in the jungles of northern Guatemala, about 30 miles away from the border with Belize, Tikal was originally occupied between around 300 and 900 B.C.E. That being said, the city's biggest buildings came centuries later, between about 600 and 900 C.E., when the Maya were at the height of their power. The city, whose name means “at the watering hole,” is thought to contain more than 4,000 buildings, the vast majority of which remain unexcavated.

The buildings, organized around squares and plazas, come in many different shapes and sizes, ranging from large to downright colossal. While the small, wooden homes of ordinary Maya citizens have long been lost to time, the palaces they raised for their kings — multi-storied and surrounded by towers and courtyards — are still standing.

What Were Mayan Pyramids Used For?

Also standing are the pyramids, similar to their Egyptian counterparts in basic design but different in finish. Constructed at a slightly steeper incline, their exterior is as richly decorated as the rooms inside. Mayan pyramids were mainly used for religious purposes, and tombs for dead leaders. Tikal even had several courts for playing tlachtli or pok-ta-pok, a traditional Maya ball game where players used only their elbows, knees, and hips.

Ancient Ruins at Tikal in Guatemala, still standing from advanced architectural knowledge
The ruins of Tikal are still standing, researchers say, thanks to the Maya’s awareness of their surroundings and their advanced architectural knowledge. (Credit: Leonid Andronov/Shutterstock)

Why Was Maya Architecture So Long-Lasting?

With all that in mind, what allowed the Maya to make their structures so strong?

1. A Strong Location

The durability of Maya architecture could have several explanations, the first of which concerns location. Deeply familiar with the terrain, the Maya constructed their biggest settlements in places that were mostly safe from natural disaster, with the surrounding swampland insulating Tikal from 1976’s worst aftershocks.

But while swamps provide protection from earthquakes, they are also prone to flooding. The Maya addressed this problem with careful urban planning, placing their buildings on elevated ground so that they would remain dry during the rainy season.

2. A Sturdy Structure

A second explanation for the durability of Maya architecture has to do with the Maya’s knowledge of engineering. Pyramids are among the most stable and earthquake-resistant structures ever produced, rivaling Roman domes. This is because each layer is larger and heavier than the one above it, according to a 2020 analysis, preventing the structures from falling over or collapsing in on themselves.

3. A Recipe for Resilience

If location and engineering form the first two parts of the equation, material would be the third. Restricted to the natural resources that would have been available to them, the Maya made their buildings out of limestone, which they reinforced with a technique called lime pyrotechnology.

Mayan Architectural Techniques

By burning the limestone to temperatures of over 1650 degrees Fahrenheit, Maya builders created quicklime — a sturdy compound that hardens when exposed to CO2.

A paper published in 2018 states that the Maya discovered pyrotechnology as early as 1100 B.C.E. By the time Tikal entered its glory days, the city consisted of buildings so tough, they could withstand a millennia of exposure to the region’s tropical climate.

In addition to their pyrotechnology, the Maya peppered their lime plaster with ingredients from the environment. Studying the architecture of the Maya ruins of Copán, south of Tikal, and consulting indigenous people in the area, a team of mineralogists from the University of Granada in Spain found in that Maya builders infused their quicklime with the sap of two native tree specieschukum and jiote.

Recreating Mayan Plaster

Operating under the assumption that these biological additives served a practical purpose, as opposed to a ceremonial purpose, the mineralogists made their own, replica mix of Maya plaster, allowing them to put its structural integrity under a microscope.

According to the team's 2023 analysis, that assumption was confirmed. Once added, the tree sap was “absorbed on and occluded in the mesostructured calcite crystals making up the cement matrix of the plasters.” They concluded that “these organics profoundly affect" the structural traits of the substance, “rendering the plaster more resistant to physical and chemical weathering.”

Other Remarkable Uses of Ancient Architecture

It’s worth noting that the Maya weren’t the only civilization to enrich their plasters and mortars with things taken from their direct environment. Over the years, researchers have found ancient structures that contain traces of materials as diverse as milk, cheese, beer, and even urine. The mortar of China’s Great Wall and Forbidden City was made with starch and sticky rice, while the Roman architect Vitruvius, in his book De Architectura, recommends cooking oil as a means to make lime waterproof.

Trial and Error Engineering

Ancient architecture was a field of experimentation, and not all of these unusual ingredients were equally useful.

Sometimes materials were thrown in at random just to see what they would do. At other times, builders worked with intention, guided by experience and understanding. This seems to have been the case in India, where inlanders used herbs to help their mortar withstand moisture, and where the coastal dwellers routinely added unrefined sugar to protect buildings against the corrosive effects of sea salt. Maya use of chukum and jiote sap seems to have been similarly intentional.

Why Is Ancient Architecture Important?

Ultimately, studying the chemical composition of ancient architecture can help improve its modern counterpart. Although Maya, Indian, and Roman materials could never be applied to the construction of skyscrapers — a flat made from Roman concrete, University of Victoria archeologist John Oleson once said in an interview, “would collapse when you got to the third story” — their now-unorthodox techniques can inspire engineers to make important breakthroughs.

The stronger a building, the longer it will last. And in architecture, posterity is always an objective.

What Is Hyperloop and When Will It Be Ready?


Early tests show that hyperloop technology can work quickly and safely. Is it coming to a city near you anytime soon? Here's everything you need to know about the super speed train.

Hyperloop concept - shutterstock
(Credit: Andrey_l/Shutterstock)

The two passengers strapped into their seats inside the gleaming white interior of the Pegasus as the pod lifted into the airlock. In the time it takes to finish reading this paragraph, the pod accelerated to 100 miles per hour (160 km/h) down a length of track, before delivering its first passengers to a safe stop. The ride lasted only 15 seconds and was in no danger of breaking any land-speed records, but Virgin Hyperloop One nevertheless made history as the first company that has successfully tested hyperloop technology. 

A hyperloop, as you may have heard, is a super speed ground-level transportation system in which people could travel in a hovering pod inside a vacuum tube at speeds as high as 760 mph (1220 km/h), just shy of the speed of sound. Virgin's system includes magnetic levitation, much like the technology used in advanced high-speed rail projects in Japan and Germany.

As a concept for fast transportation, vacuum tube transit systems have been around for a surprisingly long time. In 1845, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, an engineer in Britain and the Elon Musk of his time, proposed building a tube in southwest England that would propel trains at a then-dizzying speed of 70 mph (110 km/h). The project proved unfeasible due to lack of materials that would sustain it, and Brunel’s concept was abandoned. 

Despite Brunel's efforts, it was more than a century before Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk turned the world’s attention back to tubular transit technology. In 2013, he published a 58-page technical paper that outlined the design of Hyperloop, a solar-powered transportation system, which he described as "a cross between a Concorde, a railgun and an air hockey table." 

Musk claimed that the vehicle could make the 350-mile (560-kilometer) journey between Los Angeles and San Francisco in just 35 minutes for $20 a ticket and estimated the cost of the infrastructure at $6 billion. He also said that the new transit system should be safer than any current mode of transport, immune to weather and resistant to earthquakes. Musk never devoted many resources to making the project a physical reality but released his Hyperloop Alpha as an open-source design for universities and companies to research and develop.

In 2014, Virgin Hyperloop was founded on the premise of making Musk’s vision of a futuristic transportation system a reality. The company has made substantive technical changes to Musk's initial proposal and chose not to pursue the Los Angeles–to–San Francisco route the billionaire envisioned. But Virgin wants to keep the futuristic vehicle environmentally friendly, with vegan leather seats and some of the pod materials made from recycled content. 

How Does a Train-in-a-Tube Work?

At its core, a hyperloop system is all about removing the two things that slow down regular vehicles: friction and air resistance. To do away with the former, the pod needs to hover above its track, making hyperloop a magnetic levitation (maglev) train. 

To put it in the simplest terms, maglev trains use two sets of magnets: one set to repel and push the train up off the track, and another set to move the floating train ahead, taking advantage of the lack of friction. Once two sets of magnetic waves are established, they work in tandem to push the vehicle forward, says Sam Gurol, former director of Maglev Systems at General Atomics, an energy and defense corporation based in San Diego, California.

“The advantage of maglev is that it allows you to go to very high speeds, in addition to having a very nice ride quality,” Gurol says. “It’s like riding on a magic carpet.”

The super speed of hyperloop, however, is achieved through drastically minimizing air resistance. Passenger pods move through a low-pressure sealed tube, which contains vacuums that suck out nearly all of the air. The air pressure inside the chamber is so low that it mimics the conditions of being at about 200,000 feet (61,000 meters) above sea level. By virtue of being in a tube, the system is protected from the weather and can operate in almost any weather conditions.

Examining the Hyper Problems

Although the technology addresses problems of friction and air resistance, hyperloop projects have suffered from a different kind of drag: economics. Financial and transportation experts have expressed the belief that Musk’s $6 billion price tag dramatically understates the cost of designing, developing, constructing, and testing an all-new form of transportation. Leaked financial documents in 2016 suggested that Musk’s Hyperloop would cost as much as $13 billion, or $121 million per mile.

Like any form of transit, hyperloop transport carries inherent risks, and contingencies for any unforeseen disasters still need to be engineered into the system. At high speeds, even a small earthquake or the slightest breakage of a vacuum tube would pose a significant danger to passengers and crew. In addition to safety assurance, a hyperloop system must offer the kind of pricing that would draw paying passengers away from current modes of transportation.

With large-scale projects like this, good engineering needs to co-exist with good politics. Back in the 1990s and early 2000s, Gurol’s company collaborated with a German firm Transrapid to build a maglev-based high-speed train from Las Vegas to Anaheim. In 2007, former U.S. Senator Harry Reid (Nevada), became the Senate majority leader and decided the state had more important priorities.

“That’s the kind of political change that can just reverse any progress. Hundreds of engineers and fifteen years of work, and the project just died.” Gurol says.

According to Financial Times, in 2018, Saudi Arabia pulled its $1 billion deal with Virgin Hyperloop after the company’s ex-chairman Richard Branson criticized the kingdom over the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Still, as of May 2019, the company had raised $400 million from private investors and plans to begin commercial operations in 2030 (pushed back from early predictions that envisioned a passenger-ready hyperloop in 2021).

Besides Virgin, the companies working out the hurdles of this transportation method include the Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT), a U.S.-based startup that signed an agreement in China to build a test track, Hardt Hyperloop in the Netherlands and TransPod, a Canadian company.

Until these companies raise hundreds of millions of dollars in funding, acquire the massive tracts of land needed for a viable system, and prove that the system can be operated safely, hyperloop remains a near-future dream.

What Is the Hyperloop?

The hyperloop is a train-like transportation design that can achieve breakthrough speeds. Hyperloop technology is still in development. With projected speeds of up to 750 miles per hour, it would be two to three times faster than bullet trains. Riders could travel from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 30 minutes.

Hyperloop Design:

  • Enclosed chambers can carry travelers or freight.
  • Low-pressure tubes reduce aerodynamic drag. 
  • Magnetic levitation (maglev) keeps each pod hovering above the track while it’s in transit.
  • Electric propulsion moves each pod through the tube.
  • What’s the History of Hyperloop Transportation?

    The transportation concept has been around since the 17th century, but the term “hyperloop” was coined by Elon Musk in a 2013 project brief. Musk open-sourced the idea, outlining his concept without any patents. This has led to several companies becoming major players in hyperloop R&D, and even students are building prototypes. 

    As a result of having so many players working on hyperloop development, the speed of innovation has accelerated. Just as the space race in the mid-20th century created a competitive push to reach the moon, the open-sourcing of hyperloop technology has created a competitive fervor for a new mode of transportation. 

    How Does the Hyperloop Go So Fast?

    A hyperloop is able to reach extreme speeds because it addresses one of the most basic rules of physics—friction slows things down. 

    Hyperloop designs rely on creating a low-friction environment within a tunnel or tube. Individual pods seating a small group of people could then travel at extreme speeds through the tubes. 

    Hyperloop 3D image

    The hyperloop travels via an efficient electric motor, and friction is reduced in two ways:

    • Depressurized tunnels create a near-vacuum environment where almost all of the air has been sucked out. This creates an environment where extremely high speeds are possible because there’s minimal aerodynamic drag or wind resistance.
    • Magnetic levitation (maglev) causes each pod to hover. This removed the ground friction of wheels or tires that occurs in other modes of ground transportation. This technology is already being used in high-speed bullet trains. In the image above, the magnets in red are for levitation and propulsion. The magnets in blue are for horizontal stabilization.

      There are two maglev methods currently in development for hyperloop applications. Passive maglev uses a specific configuration of magnets that perpetually create current and keep the pod consistently hovering. No external power is needed. In another design, active maglev combines permanent passive-style magnets with electromagnetics. This makes it possible to adjust the current to smooth out the ride.

    Which Companies Are Working on Hyperloop?

    Several companies and research labs are working on hyperloop systems or components. Here are four of the biggest players in the industry. 

    1. Virgin Hyperloop

    Attribution: @virginhyperloop – Twitter

    Virgin Hyperloop (formerly Hyperloop One) is one of the best-funded hyperloop projects, giving it the most resources for R&D. It’s also leading the pack in patents, and in 2020, it completed the first-ever hyperloop passenger test.

    One of its main feasibility studies was how to connect Kansas City and St. Louis, MO, with a hyperloop track along the I-70 corridor. The company is currently designing full-scale pods that would hold 28+ passengers. The final infrastructure would have the ability to move 30,000 passengers an hour.

    The company’s timeline is to achieve safety certification by 2025 and carry passenger traffic by 2030. This year, the company will start construction on a $500 million Hyperloop Certification Center in West Virginia that will have a mile-long test track.

    2. Hyperloop TT

    Attribution: @hyperlooptt – Twitter

    Hyperloop Transportation Technologies isn’t going it alone. The company has teamed up with other partners in construction and infrastructure. Hyperloop TT may not have as much capital as Virgin Hyperloop, but its business model is to have a broader strategy that builds a coalition with existing industries.

    Hyperloop TT has a test track in France. It plans to build a hyperloop between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, with the track becoming operational by 2023. In the U.S., the company is planning to have an operational hyperloop by 2028, connecting Chicago, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh. This route could potentially unify the region’s labor market while reinvigorating regional manufacturing because of the ability to quickly transport goods. 

    3. SpaceX Elon Musk Hyperloop

    Attribution: Engadget – YouTube

    Despite Elon Musk having sparked the current hyperloop fervor, Tesla and SpaceX are not doing hyperloop development. Instead, Musk put the challenge out to the world to develop the technology. However, Musk is still involved in the industry. He built a hyperloop test track near SpaceX HQ for student competitions. 

    Additionally, Musk’s tunnel-digging company could benefit from hyperloop development. The Boring Company could be involved in building underground tunnel infrastructure. Currently, Musk is looking at hyperloop tunnel projects that would connect NYC to Washington, D.C., as well as Los Angeles to San Francisco, and a third tunnel within Texas. 

    4. JTC20

    Attribution:@zeleros – Twitter

    In 2020, a consortium of European and Canadian hyperloop companies became another big player in the industry. Collectively working on the issue of international standardization, this joint technical committee will look at regulation, interoperability, and safety. The group includes Hardt Hyperloop (Netherlands), Hyper Poland, TransPod (Canada), and Zeleros Hyperloop (Spain).

  • What Are the Safety Risks?

    Despite the ambitious progress that’s already been made, we are still in the early stage of hyperloop development. Before hyperloop transportation can become a reality, there are clear safety risks to overcome.

    • High speeds:

    The first hyperloop passenger test reached a top speed of 107 mph in 6.25 seconds. We still don’t know the effect that extreme acceleration within an enclosed chamber will have on the human body. Astronauts train their bodies to handle extreme acceleration, and PBS wondered if the hyperloop experience will be “two minutes of puke city.”

    • Collisions within the vacuum tubes:

    Hyperloop system designs have multiple pods traveling at very high speeds within a single tube. Because the pods are within the braking threshold of one another, there’s the risk of a very dangerous collision.

    • Hyperloop pod damage:

    Obviously, humans need air to live, and the tunnels do not have breathable air. Engineers need to address the safety of a situation when the pod becomes compromised.

    • Tunnel decompression:

    Because the tunnel is a near-vacuum, a break in the structure would cause it to implode. For example, look at what happens if the air pressure of a railroad tank car vacuum is compromised. The damage is nearly instantaneous.

    These safety concerns just scratch the surface. Engineers will have to plan for all sorts of contingencies like heat expansion, earthquakes, or human error. In particular, California and Missouri are the worst places in the country for earthquakes, making seismic safety a major concern for those two hyperloop routes. 

Industry 4.0


Industry 4.0 is the advancement and integration of increased automation, improved communication, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention. The combination of cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things makes Industry 4.0 possible. 

When computers were introduced into Industry 3.0, it was disruptive. Now, and into the future as Industry 4.0 unfolds, business and industry will minimize waste and become more efficient and productive. Ultimately, it's the network of smart machines that are digitally connected with one another, and create and share information, that results in the true power of Industry 4.0. 

Industry 4.0 means we are in the middle of the 4th industrial revolution. The 4th industrial revolution is different than the prior ones. The big difference is the continued expansion of the network and computers into operations, also the interconnectivity that occurs as a result. These standards will be in all occupations in the workforce. Students should be prepared for these occupations and career paths. BSC, ND's Polytechnic Institution, helps our students meet these standards embedded into their curriculum and educational experience whether in the classroom or experiential learning environment. 

Standards of Industry 4.0

  • Internet of Things (IoT) - The idea of connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (i.e. cell phones, coffee makers, engines, drills).Standards of Industry 4.0

  • Robots - Designed to perform behaviors or tasks with a high degree of autonomy.

  • System Integration - The process of integrating all physical and virtual components of an organization’s system. 

  • Data Science Business Intelligence - The use of software to analyze and organize large volumes of data in search for trends and functional information. 

  • Additive Manufacturing - A process that uses a variety of machines that use technologies to build 3D objects by adding layer-upon-layer of material. 

  • Cloud - Accessing and storing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive.

  • MES/MOM Advanced Process Control - Technology that maximizes operational performance. 

  • Augmented Reality - Technology that layers computer-generated enhancements atop an existing reality to make it more meaningful by allowing the user to virtually interact with it.

  • Cybersecurity - The protection of computer systems, networks, and programs from digital threats. 

  • Digital Twin/Simulation Optimization - The capability to perform virtual prototyping and automation to reduce production time.

What are the main applications of Industry 4.0?

 There’s a wide variety of Industry 4.0 applications that range in costs and complexity. The following are some of the common Industry 4.0 applications you could implement in your business:

  • Go paperless—Digitize your business documents (e.g., work instructions, forms, purchase and shipping orders, product specifications) to save time and money, and to reduce errors due to incorrect and outdated information.

  • Monitor and control machinery and equipment in real time—Install wireless sensors on your machinery and equipment to monitor your production and collect data in real time. This allows you to accurately track production, identify and correct problems, and make more informed strategic decisions. This is known as the Industrial Internet of Things.

  • Introduce smart processes—Introduce machines that can analyze their own data to predict when maintenance is needed and even book an appointment with a technician. Advanced control technologies measure quality in real time during production and take action to correct defects.

  • Optimize processes—Use advanced analytic software to mine data to identify the best production and maintenance scenarios to improve production and optimize asset utilization.

  • Experiment with 3-D printing—Use 3-D printers to make prototypes quickly, fabricate complex forms and make ultra-personalized products tailored to your customers’ specifications.

  • Connect products to the Internet—Equip products with sensors to monitor usage. Use them to alert your customers when maintenance is needed and other issues arise. You can also use smart products to add services based on usage, shift to a product-as-a-service business model or develop new, innovative products.

  • Integrate computer networks—Use the Internet to connect with your customers, suppliers and business partners. You might use an extranet or an electronic data interchange system (EDI) for B2B connections and a transactional website for B2C connections.

How Does Industry 4.0 Differ From The Previous Generation?

 Industry 4.0 is the next step in our global, digital, manufacturing and industrial evolution.

The human race is constantly, inevitably, innovating, and the last few years have seen some of the most significant leaps in digitisation in a generation.

But this “invention”, amongst many others, is simply the most recent iteration within what we now call Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution – the manufacturing industry’s continual, worldwide, multi-faceted evolution. The payoff of these great leaps in manufacturing output and product are new ways to work, create, live, provide food and energy, manage the economy, socialise, and keep people healthy.

Photo by Rob Lambert, on Unsplash.

As discussed below, every generation has had its evolutionary “moment” – a creation or invention that shifts the manufacturing industry status quo, opening up new avenues of possibility. Those inventions point to a change in how we live and perceive progress and typify each industrial revolution.

Think about the steam engine, the assembly line, nuclear power, and air travel – all indicative of a new normal, a new way of living and working that changed the trajectory of humanity, and all driven from the workshops and engine rooms of manufacturers worldwide.

We are now between Industry 3.0 and 4.0 – indeed, we’ve already leapt.

The development of AI systems brings AGI closer. But for the layperson, what on earth is Industry 4.0 and the fourth industrial revolution, how does Industry 4.0 differ from the previous generation, and why does it matter that we label these industrial ages as such?

We can see the rhythms of history within each age and learn from how macro-changes affect people to ensure our next industrial revolution doesn’t leave anyone behind.

How Industry 1.0 Became Industry 4.0

Here is a visualisation of the different stages of industrial production and where we find ourselves in 2023, staring over the precipice of a new dawn of computing, cyber-physical systems, AI and new forms of industrial production.

Image Credit: “Christoph Roser at “

What Was Industry 1.0?

Industry 1.0 refers to the first industrial revolution – a period from the mid-18th century to the end of the 19th century typified by the emergence of mechanised manufacturing and industrial output. 

Think steam power, coal power, the first factories, the rise of factory-centric cities and the beginnings of mass movements of labour and investment into urban areas and areas of high industry production. 

Early signs pointed to significant improvements in living conditions, sowing the seeds for the age of mass manufacturing. But it was an era beset by inequality, poor safety standards, child labour, the continuing blight of slavery and chattel labour, the rise of Empires and significant, destructive asset stripping from the Global South and East.

What Was Industry 2.0?

Industry 2.0 was the era of mass production – the assembly line, the centralisation and monopolisation of manufacturing and the end of specialist cottage industries, all powered by a new piece of world-changing tech – electricity. 

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The perfect exemplar of Industry 2.0 was the Car – the ideal amalgamation of assembly line efficiencies, new technical power, rapidly delivered infrastructure, total supply chain and labour control, and rising customer investment and capital spending. Other notable inventions – such as nuclear power – are also pillars of Industry 2.0, as was the significant shift of money, power and influence to the West via supra-national organisations like the UN and NATO. Industry 2.0, though, can also be considered the age of the World War. Industrialised forms of warfare brought untold suffering to hundreds of millions worldwide in the mid-20th century, and from the assembly lines of our war economies rolled the new tools of power – the atom bomb, nerve agents, drones and biological weapons.

What Was Industry 3.0?

The third industrial revolution was what we now call the Digital Revolution – this incorporated the rise of the computer, robotic manufacturing, email, the Internet, automation and the emergence of cloud computing and software-led efficiencies, brought to life at the end of the 20th century.

Other consumer-focused creations also define the third industrial revolution, like cheap air travel, social media, the rise of the mobile phone, the electric Car, and the production of renewable energy.

But from the other side of the revolutionary coin emerge uniquely 21st-century dysfunctions – the erosion of trust in public and social institutions by the rise of alternative truths generated online, insecure global supply chains that wither under stress, vast wealth hoarding by the super-rich, and the slow trickle of new forms of mass migration – not to mention the rising spectre of water shortages and food insecurity – as the climate crisis starts to tighten its grip.

What Makes Up Industry 4.0?

  • “The fourth industrial revolution will take what began in the third, with the adoption of computers and automation and enhance it with smart and autonomous systems fueled by data and machine learning”.

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Industry 4.0 is where our physical and digital worlds combine – the typical Industry 4.0 standard bearers of progress, are the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data, and how these creations intersect with human networks and industrial capability worldwide. 

In short, Industry 4.0 optimises what happened in Industry 3.0 by creating more interconnectivity and decentralisation between cultures, knowledge centres, manufacturers and users.

Of course, the future of Industry 4.0 and the move to Industry 5.0 still needs to be discovered. The incredible changes that have come about in manufacturing in the 21st century are now firmly driven by digitisation and efficiencies generated as a result. They impact everything, from manufacturing processes to principles and technologies, not to mention how manufacturing is powered, delivered, used or understood. 

Although the future is uncertain, the groundwork is already in place for a period when digital networks and online fiction will be the rule rather than the exception.

Here are some noteworthy illustrations of how our environment is altering and the direction that evolution is taking:

Big Data

Big data can be described as data management challenges that – due to increasing volume, velocity and variety of data – cannot be solved with traditional databases.

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A sound big data strategy can help organisations reduce costs and gain operational efficiencies by migrating heavy existing workloads to big data technologies, as well as deploying new applications to capitalise on new opportunities”.

Big data is the fuel of business success in the future. But with the increasing digitisation of everything from supply chain management to manufacturing production data to customer data, manufacturers have never been as plugged into real-time product use as they are now. 

This interconnectivity means decision-making is improved, customer service is made more immediate and relevant, production transparency is made better, and, above all else, inefficiencies are visible. 

In short, manufacturers are leading a new culture of hyperreactive, agile product creation by collating, analysing and using Big Data to improve services.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics is the autonomous or semi-autonomous examination of data or content using sophisticated techniques and tools, typically beyond those of traditional business intelligence (BI), to discover deeper insights, make predictions, or generate recommendations”.

Hand in hand with Big Data, advanced analytics are driving businesses into new, data-led efficiencies. An example would be a car maker getting live data from their online configuration tool and analysing it to suggest profit maximisation actions.

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Machine Learning

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence and computer science which focuses on using data and algorithms to imitate how humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy”.

Machine Learning allows computers to learn new things independently, without relying on pre-programmed algorithms to complete tasks or iteratively know how to do certain functions, significantly increasing its utility in all processes.

Some examples include facial, image and speech recognition software, all of which learn as the systems scan and interpret data in real-time, providing analysis or more accurate data parsing with more data.

Additive Manufacturing, aka Digital to Physical

“3D printing or additive manufacturing is constructing a three-dimensional object from a CAD or digital 3D model. 

The material can be assembled using several computer-controlled processes, frequently layer by layer. Deposition, joining, or solidification are all carried out after that.

3D printing has disrupted traditional manufacturing for several years, and industrial giants are using 3D printing to build prototypes and even final production models. The future of 3D printing could change many industries, from healthcare prosthetic creation to weapons manufacturing to homebuilding.

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Human-Machine Interfaces

An HMI is “the hardware or software through which an operator interacts with a controller. An HMI can range from a physical control panel with buttons and indicator lights to an industrial PC with a colour graphics display running dedicated HMI software.”

Although we’ve had proto-HMIs since the advent of the computer, a new generation of hardware and software tools is emerging, allowing operators to better monitor and control industrial processes with better safety and operational efficiency.

The most everyday example of an HMI is a touchscreen – yes, we all have an HMI in our hands, and the same tech that powers our phones will eventually become ubiquitous within manufacturing.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is an interactive experience that combines the real world and computer-generated content. The content can span multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory”.

The clearest example of AR within manufacturing is using augmented reality to inspect virtual designs before committing to fabrication. 

This semi-virtual, digital overlay fabrication and manufacturing testing system has precise, beneficial applications. Still, we’re only in the birthing stages of what AR can do within the manufacturing and industrial sectors.

Industrial Internet of Things

“The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of physical devices, vehicles, appliances and other physical objects embedded with sensors, software and network connectivity that allows them to collect and share data”.

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The IoT is already a reality in our homes and is rapidly spreading across manufacturing floors. Industrial devices (connected via an industrial internet) that can communicate digitally with each other significantly reduce downtime and vastly improve efficiencies and are increasingly present across Cloud and edging computing within industrial contexts as well as within energy management, robotics and cognitive computing.

The Cloud

“The Cloud” refers to servers accessed over the Internet and the software and databases run on those servers. Cloud servers are in data centres worldwide”.

The Cloud is another technology from the service sector into manufacturing. It offers manufacturers the same scalability benefits, redundancy and cost advantages as it does to the service sector but differs fundamentally. 

Cloud manufacturing has unique benefits, such as data accessibility across multiple sites and devices, capability sharing, increased sustainability, flexibility and end-to-end due diligence from customer order to delivery.

Cyber Security

Cyber security’s core function is to protect the devices we use (smartphones, laptops, tablets and computers) and the services we access – both online and at work – from theft or damage. It’s also about preventing unauthorised access to the vast amounts of personal information we store on these devices and online”.

New risks come with all this new connectivity, device-based work, and extensive data access. Robust cyber security is critical to protecting vital data and instruments, people and workplaces. When the scale of the problem exponentially grows YoY, manufacturers must be aware of the threats and able to mitigate the worst.

As “smart” manufacturing increases, those systems are more vulnerable to risk. There are more significant risks when “legacy equipment, fragmented security infrastructure, large workforces with varying levels of information technology training” come into play — the foundations for a new normal of chronic cybersecurity threats for Industry 4.0 are here.

The Bottom Line

Whilst this is not a comprehensive list of Industry 4.0 technologies, it’s a tiny yet focused sampling of how manufacturing in 2023 and beyond will look.

Photo by Ales Nesetril, on Unsplash.

And, just like the first industrial revolution drastically increased productivity, so will this digital one bring new productive efficiencies to light. The key to success here, for both companies and employees, is to embrace these new, novel technologies, master them, and become an industry leader within them.

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