Saturday, November 25, 2023

Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom

A flipped class is one that inverts the typical cycle of content acquisition and application so that:students gain necessary knowledge before class, and
instructors guide students to actively and interactively clarify and apply that knowledge during class.

Like the best classes have always done, this approach supports instructors playing their most important role of guiding their students to deeper thinking and higher levels of application. A flipped class keeps student learning at the center of teaching.

Why are instructors flipping their class?

Students learn more deeply.

As a result of students taking responsibility, interacting meaningfully and often with their instructor and peers, and getting and giving frequent feedback, they acquire a deeper understanding of the content and how to use it.

Students are more active participants in learning.

The student role shifts from passive recipient to active constructor of knowledge, giving them opportunities to practice using the intellectual tools of the discipline.

Interaction increases and students learn from one another.

Students work together applying course concepts with guidance from the instructor. This increased interaction helps to create a learning community that encourages them to build knowledge together inside and outside the classroom.

Instructors and students get more feedback.

With more opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and therefore demonstrate their ability to use it, gaps in their understanding become visible to both themselves and the instructor.

How do You Flip a Class?

This guide is designed to walk you through the steps of flipping a single class; the process is scalable for flipping portions of each unit or an entire course. One of the major factors in course redesign is the time it takes to do it well. We recommend pilot testing the flipped model with a single class before engaging in a complete redesign.
Step 1: Identify where the flipped classroom model makes the most sense for your course

The following questions may help you identify a good place to start, whether you have designed your course around learning outcomes or by units:In which class sessions do you currently have an in-class activity that you rarely have time to complete during class and requires the students to apply their knowledge and skills?
What concepts or topics do students struggle the most to understand, based on exam scores and/or assignment grades?
On what topics would students benefit from the opportunity to apply concepts under your expert guidance in the classroom?

Step 2: Spend class time engaging students in application activities with feedback

The crux of the issue is figuring out for your class how class time could be repurposed in ways that provide students with an appropriate level of challenge while leveraging your expertise as a coach or guide. There are many possibilities for infusing a class with collaborative learning experiences. Utlimately, it comes down to finding an approach that works best for your students and your course content

There are a wide variety of evidence-based instructional approaches that create engaging class environments, here are a few approaches being used to create collaboration and problem solving in small and large classes at UT:

Peer Instruction: Students prepare for class and give instructors feedback about what they found confusing or difficult. During class, students experience cycles of mini-lectures interspersed with peer discussion of conceptual questions that work to elicit, confront, and resolve misconceptions students may hold. For more information, visit the Peer Instruction Blog.

Team-based Learning (TBL): Students prepare before class and experience readiness-assurance quiz over the content at the start of class (first as individuals and then as a team). Teams get immediate feedback on their performance while instructors address gaps in understanding via mini-lectures. Next, teams engage in structured application activities that conclude with teams simultaneously making a specific choice. For more information, watch video about Team Based Learning (length: 12 minutes).

Case-based Learning: Students work together in small groups with guidance from the instructor to analyze the problem and evaluate a given course of action or decide on one of their own. For more information, visit Case-based Teaching.

Process-oriented Guided Inquiry Learning: POGIL activities are designed around the learning cycle where students explore data or information guided by questions, generate conclusions based on the data, and apply these concepts in new situations. The activities are structured to develop process skills, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration. For more information visit POGIL.
Assessment Strategies

Assessment techniques can help inform and enhance learning when questions that measure student understanding are embedded into in-class learning activities:Provides students with feedback about what they know and do not know.
Provides instructors with real-time data that informs instruction.
Encourages students to engage during class by holding them accountable for their preparation.
Leveraging Technology for Learning

A Classroom Response System (CRS) allows instructors to ask questions to the class, then immediately gather and display student responses. There are many options on the market that offer a range of functionality depending upon what you are wanting to achieve. iClicker is supported by UT and popular option among our faculty. For information about how to get the most out of classroom response system, watch How to Use Clickers Effectively (length: 12 minutes).
Step 3: Clarify connections between inside and outside of class learning

The point of the Flipped Learning model is to move the application-oriented "homework" into the classroom and to move the "lecture" to before class. Here are a few questions to get you started in this process:What do I want my students to know and be able to do as result of completing this sequence of the course? How does it fit into the bigger picture of the unit and course?
What part of the current "homework assignment" could be moved inside of class to help students practice applying the content? What in-class learning activity is being rushed because there is currently not enough time to do it well?
What practice do students need inside of class to prepare them for the larger assignment that will be completed after class? Will students make the connection between what is happening inside of class and the assignment they are working on after class?
What content do students need to know before class to successfully engage in the learning activity during class?

The after-class portion may consist of a wide variety of activities including completing the work started in class or reading deeper about the topic or working together on a larger assignment that extends several class periods or practicing on one's own. Keep in mind that the after-class portion from the last class occurs at the same time as the before-class portion of the next class, so helping students manage the workload is important.
Step 4: Adapt your materials for students to acquire course content in preparation of class

The dynamic and active environment that is created within the flipped classroom, means that it is essential for students to come prepared for class. Once you have a clear idea of how students will be asked to apply their knowledge and skills during class, begin considering what students will need to read or view in advance. While online video content is associated with the Flipped classroom model, one can flip a class by repurposing traditional materials. Some common ways students prepare for class incude:Reading materials (e.g., textbook chapters or relevant articles)
Online video and audio content (e.g., podcasts, videos, online micro-lectures, simulations, or demonstrations)

Keep it simple at first by either relying on your current resources or using existing online content rather than creating your own. If you have time, explore what content currently exists online that may help you supplement your resources. Whatever path you take, make sure that you:Hold students accountable for completing the pre-class assignment, and
Provide students a way to pose questions about the content they are learning outside of class.

Step 5: Extend learning beyond class through individual and collaborative practice

How will the content and skills learned before and during this class prepare students for extending their learning after class (e.g. finishing the problem set, starting work on a project or a portion of an assignment, building upon what was begun in class to delve deeper into the topic, practicing alone or collaborating with peers, etc.)?

Students gain experience applying course content during class time, but they may also need additional practice after class. Extending what happens inside the class to outside the class is a crucial step for students to gain mastery and meet the learning outcome. Some ideas for deepening student understanding include:Use discussion boards or academic social media to elaborate on ideas developed inside class.
Present additional problems (on Canvas, course website, or from the textbook) for students to gain further practice on their own outside of class. Online assessment systems can be used to provide immediate feedback to students.
Create assignments that require students to take the skills and knowledge developed in class and apply it in a new way or to a new situation not covered in class.
Assign additional readings that further expands upon the concepts discussed in class.
Encouarage students to create informal learning groups.
Develop a peer-led undergraduate study where students come together once a week to work additional problems that expand upon the concepts being learned in class.

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